Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Stay-at home-cation

For the past week I have distanced myself from the real world. Sort of like going overseas but not really?

The only people I went out with besides my parents were my cousins. Quite grateful for all our little getaways actually. We watched Maleficent and had pepper lunch, been bowling twice and to the trampoline park twice.

My campsite AKA coffee bean is under going renovation so I had to find a new place to sit for long hours so that I can be just a bit more productive than being on youtube all day long at home. And change is good. oh yes it is. LOOK AT THIS NEW PLACE I FOUND. I can't believe I haven't been spending every free moment here. ITS DAMN LEGIT.

paradise within walking distance


I feel like I have been on a one-week vacation, minus the dance lessons and sleeping on my own bed. But I guess its back to reality tmr  today.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Fill your heart with LOVE

So thankful for June hols.

I have been thinking a lot (mostly when I should be STUDYING OH WELL).
About all the decisions I have made,
all the choices I am going to have to make,
trying to confront my emotions but realising I am really really unsure,
how the heck does one find a balance between work and play,
looking back at all the wonderful memories made in Raffles,
feeling so damn nostalgic,
but realizing majority of those whom I love are still by my side,
being really thankful for all the constants,
and reminding myself to appreciate everything and everyone.

Alrighty, in other words, I am REALLY LOOKING FORWARD to watch TFIOS. Tbh, I didn't really feel very strongly about the book, but I guess all the hype has gotten me damn excited. AND THE TRAILER OH MY GOD THE TRAILER!!!! I think we're going to be a mess during the movie but its just so beautiful and tragic.

Idk but recently I had had such a different outlook on love. As in true romantic love. I think its from seeing it land upon those around me that has made me realise how FREAKING SWEET AND ADORABLE that such pure innocent love can be AWWWWHHH <3